OSID Specifications
osid package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

A Containable is a kind of aggregate where an OsidObject is defined as a recursive composition of itself directly accessible without knowledge of the originating service.

Containables are rare because of the fulfillment of a recursive retrieval of OSID Ids. They are used only when independent references to a single container without its contained parts have no purpose and generic hierarchy services do not capture the meaning of the hierarchical structure.

Because of the hierarchical nature of Containables, sub-objects may be created for the sole purpose of creating the aggregate. It may be desirable to hide these building blocks from general view.


Tests if this Containable is sequestered in that it should not appear outside of its aggregated composition.

Returnboolean true if this containable is sequestered, false if this containable may appear outside its aggregate
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.