OSID Specifications
osid package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

Operable is used to indicate an OsidObject performs operations. The active status indicates if the Operable is on or off. The active status is determined from the operational status and the enabling rules.

The operational status indicates the Operable is functioning. This status is not set administratively but instead refelects suitable conditions for operation.

Operables may be administratively turned on of off through the enabled and disabled administrative overrides. If there are no related OsidEnabler rules, then isEnabled() should be set to true and isDisabled() set to false for the Operable to be on and isEnabled() set to false and isDisabled() set to true for the Operable to be off. isEnabled() and isDisabled() cannot both be tru e.

If there are related OsidEnabler rules, the active status of at least one OsidEnabler results in a true value for isOperational(). This active status can be overridden by setting isDisabled() to true. If there are no active OsidEnabler rules, isOperational() is false resulting in an off Operable unless isEnabled() is true .

For the active status to be completely determined by the OsidEnablers, both isEnabled() and isDisabled() should be false where the isActive() status is completely driven from isOperational().


Tests if this operable is active. isActive() is true if isOperational() is true and isDisabled() is false, or isEnabled() is true.

Returnboolean true if this operable is on, false if it is off
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this operable is administravely enabled. Administratively enabling overrides any applied OsidEnabler. If this method returns true then isDisabled() must return false.

Returnboolean true if this operable is enabled, false if the active status is determined by other rules
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this operable is administravely disabled. Administratively disabling overrides any applied OsidEnabler. If this method returns true then isEnabled() must return false.

Returnboolean true if this operable is disabled, false if the active status is determined by other rules
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this Operable is operational. This Operable is operational if any of the applied OsidEnablers are true.

Returnboolean true if this operable is operational, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.