OSID Specifications
osid package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

OsidCompendium is the top level interface for reports based on measurements, calculations, summaries, or views of transactional activity within periods of time. This time dimension of this report may align with managed time periods, specific dates, or both. Oh my.

Reports are often derived dynamically based on an examination of data managed elsewhere in an OSID. Reports may also be directly managed outside where it is desirable to capture summaries without the detail of the implied evaluated data. The behavior of a direct create or update of a report is not specified but is not limited to an override or a cascading update of underlying data.

The start and end date represents the date range used in the evaluation of the transactional data on which this report is based. The start and end date may be the same indicating that the evaluation occurred at a point in time rather than across a date range. The start and end date requested may differ from the start and end date indicated in this report because of the inability to interpolate or extrapolate the date. These dates should be examined to understand what actually occurred and to what dates the information in this report pertains.

These dates differ from the dates the report itself was requested, created, or modified. The dates refer to the context of the evaluation. In a managed report, the dates are simply the dates to which the report information pertains. The history of a single report may be examined in the Journaling OSID.

For example, the Location of a Resource at 12:11pm is reported to be in Longwood and at 12:23pm is reported to be at Chestnut Hill. A request of a ResourceLocation...... A data correction may update the Longwood time to be 12:09pm. The update of the ResourceLocation from 12:11pm to 12:09pm may be examined in the Journaling OSID while the 12:11pm time would not longer be visible in current versions of this report.

Reports may be indexed by a managed time period such as a Term or FiscalPeriod. The evaluation dates may map to the opening and closing dates of the time period. Evaluation dates that differ from the time period may indicate that the transactional data is incomplete for that time period or that the report was calculated using a requested date range.

OsidCompendiums are subjugates to other OsidObjects in that what is reported is tied to an instance of a dimension such as a person, account, or an OsidCatalog .


Gets the start date used in the evaluation of the transactional data on which this report is based.

Returnosid.calendaring.DateTimethe date
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the end date used in the evaluation of the transactional data on which this report is based.

Returnosid.calendaring.DateTimethe date
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this report is interpolated within measured data or known transactions. Interpolation may occur if the start or end date fall between two known facts or managed time period.

Returnboolean true if this report is interpolated, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this report is extrapolated outside measured data or known transactions. Extrapolation may occur if the start or end date fall outside two known facts or managed time period. Extrapolation may occur within a managed time period in progress where the results of the entire time period are projected.

Returnboolean true if this report is extrapolated, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.