OSID Specifications
osid package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

OsidSearch specifies search options used to perform OSID searches. An OsidSearch is available from an OsidSession and defines methods to govern the overall search of terms supplied in one or more OsidQuery interfaces.

This interface is available from a search session.Example using the search interface to retrieve the first 25 results:

                     OsidSearch os = session.getObjectSearch();
                     os.limitResultSet(1, 25);
                     OsidQuery query;
                     query = session.getObjectQuery();
                     query.addDescriptionMatch("*food*", wildcardStringMatchType, true);
                     ObjectSearchResults results = session.getObjectsBySearch(query, os);
                     ObjectList list = results.getObjectList();

By default, searches return all matching results. This method restricts the number of results by setting the start and end of the result set, starting from 1. The starting and ending results can be used for paging results when a certain ordering is requested. The ending position must be greater than the starting position.

Parameterscardinalstartthe start of the result set
cardinalendthe end of the result set
ErrorsINVALID_ARGUMENT end is less than or equal to start
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.