OSID Specifications
installation package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

The installation manager provides access to package installation sessions and provides interoperability tests for various aspects of this service. The sessions included in this manager are:

  • InstallationLookupSession: a session to look up local installations
  • InstallationQuerySession: a session to query local installations
  • InstallationSearchSession: a session to search local installations
  • InstallationManagementSession: a session to install and remove packages
  • InstallationUpdateSession : a session to get package updates
  • InstallationNotificationSession a session for subscribing to new or deleted installations
  • SiteLookupSession: a session for listing installation sites
  • PackageLookupSession: a session to look up packages
  • PackageQuerySession: a session to query packages
  • PackageSearchSession: a session to search packages
  • PackageAdminSession: a session to create, modify and delete packages
  • PackageNotificationSession: a session to receive messages pertaining to package changes
  • PackageDepotSession: a session for retrieving package and depot mappings
  • PackageDepotAssignmentSession: a session for managing package and depot mappings
  • PackageSmartDepotSession: a session for managing smart depots of packages
  • DepotLookupSession: a session to lookup depots
  • DepotQuerySession: a session to query depots
  • DepotSearchSession : a session to search depots
  • DepotAdminSession : a session to create, modify and delete depots
  • DepotNotificationSession : a session to receive messages pertaining to depot changes
  • DepotHierarchySession: a session to traverse the depot hierarchy
  • DepotHierarchyDesignSession: a session to manage the depot hierarchy

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation lookup service.

Returnosid.installation.InstallationLookupSessionan InstallationLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation lookup service for the given site.

Parametersosid.id.IdsiteIdthe Id of the site
Returnosid.installation.InstallationLookupSession an InstallationLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND siteId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT siteId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation query service.

Returnosid.installation.InstallationQuerySession[]an InstallationQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation query service for the given site.

Parametersosid.id.IdsiteIdthe Id of the site
Returnosid.installation.InstallationQuerySession[] an InstallationQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND siteId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT siteId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation search service.

Returnosid.installation.InstallationSearchSessionan InstallationSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation search service for the given site.

Parametersosid.id.IdsiteIdthe Id of the site
Returnosid.installation.InstallationSearchSession an InstallationSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND siteId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT siteId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation management service.

Returnosid.installation.InstallationManagementSessionan InstallationAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationManagement() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationManagement() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation management service for the given site.

Parametersosid.id.IdsiteIdthe Id of the site
Returnosid.installation.InstallationManagementSession an InstallationAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND siteId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT siteId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationManagement() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationManagement() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation update service.

Returnosid.installation.InstallationUpdateSessionan InstallationAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationUpdate() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationUpdate() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation update service for the given site.

Parametersosid.id.IdsiteIdthe Id of the site
Returnosid.installation.InstallationUpdateSession an InstallationUpdateSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND siteId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT siteId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationUpdate() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationUpdate() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the notification session for notifications pertaining to installation changes.

Parametersosid.installation.InstallationReceiverinstallationReceiverthe installation receiver
Returnosid.installation.InstallationNotificationSessionan InstallationNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT installationReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the installation notification service for the given site.

Parametersosid.installation.InstallationReceiverinstallationReceiverthe installation receiver
osid.id.IdsiteIdthe Id of the site
Returnosid.installation.InstallationNotificationSession an InstallationNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND siteId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT installationReceiver or siteId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the site lookup service.

Returnosid.installation.SiteLookupSessiona SiteLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsSiteLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsSiteLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package lookup service.

Returnosid.installation.PackageLookupSessiona PackageLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package lookup service for the given depot.

Parametersosid.id.IddepotIdthe Id of the depot
Returnosid.installation.PackageLookupSession a PackageLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND depotId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT depotId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package query service.

Returnosid.installation.PackageQuerySessiona PackageQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package query service for the given depot.

Parametersosid.id.IddepotIdthe Id of the Depot
Returnosid.installation.PackageQuerySessiona PackageQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Depot found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT depotId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package search service.

Returnosid.installation.PackageSearchSessiona PackageSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package search service for the given depot.

Parametersosid.id.IddepotIdthe Id of the depot
Returnosid.installation.PackageSearchSession a PackageSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND depotId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT depotId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package administration service.

Returnosid.installation.PackageAdminSessiona PackageAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package admin service for the given depot.

Parametersosid.id.IddepotIdthe Id of the depot
Returnosid.installation.PackageAdminSession a PackageAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND depotId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT depotId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the notification session for notifications pertaining to package changes.

Parametersosid.installation.PackageReceiverpackageReceiverthe package receiver
Returnosid.installation.PackageNotificationSessiona PackageNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT packageReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the package notification service for the given depot.

Parametersosid.installation.PackageReceiverpackageReceiverthe package receiver
osid.id.IddepotIdthe Id of the depot
Returnosid.installation.PackageNotificationSession a PackageNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND depotId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT packageReceiver or depotId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the session for retrieving package to depot mappings.

Returnosid.installation.PackageDepotSessiona PackageDepotSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageDepot() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageDepot() is true.

Gets the session for assigning package to depot mappings.

Returnosid.installation.PackageDepotSessiona PackageDepotAssignmentSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageDepotAssignment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageDepotAssignment() is true.

Gets the session for managing dynamic package depot.

Parametersosid.id.IddepotIdthe Id of the depot
Returnosid.installation.PackageSmartDepotSessiona PackageSmartDepotSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND depotId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT depotId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsPackageSmartDepot() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsPackageSmartDepot() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the depot lookup service.

Returnosid.installation.DepotLookupSessiona DepotLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotLookup() is true.

Gets the depot query session.

Returnosid.installation.DepotQuerySessiona DepotQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the depot search service.

Returnosid.installation.DepotSearchSessiona DepotSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the depot administration service.

Returnosid.installation.DepotAdminSessiona DepotAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotAdmin() is true.

Gets the notification session for notifications pertaining to depot service changes.

Parametersosid.installation.DepotReceiverdepotReceiverthe depot receiver
Returnosid.installation.DepotNotificationSessiona DepotNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT depotReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotNotification() is true.

Gets the session traversing depot hierarchies.

Returnosid.installation.DepotHierarchySessiona DepotHierarchySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotHierarchy() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotHierarchy() is true.

Gets the session designing depot hierarchies.

Returnosid.installation.DepotHierarchyDesignSessiona DepotHierarchyDesignSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsDepotHierarchyDesign() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsDepotHierarchyDesign() is true.

Gets an InstallationBatchManager.

Returnosid.installation.batch.InstallationBatchManageran InstallationBatchManager
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInstallationBatch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInstallationBatch() is true.