OSID Specifications
journaling package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

The journaling manager provides access to journaling sessions and provides interoperability tests for various aspects of this service. The sessions included in this manager are:

  • JournalEntryLookupSession: a session to lookup journal entries
  • JournalEntryQuerySession: a session to query journal entries
  • JournalEntrySearchSession: a session to search journal entries
  • JournalEntryAdminSession: a session to manage journal entries
  • JournalEntryNotificationSession: a session to subscribe to notifications of journal entry changes
  • BranchLookupSession: a session to retrieve branches
  • BranchQuerySession: a session to query branches
  • BranchSearchSession: a session to search for branches
  • BranchAdminSession: a session to create and delete brancehs
  • BranchNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications pertaining to branch changes
  • BranchSmartJournalSession: a session to manage smart branch journals
  • JournalLookupSession: a session to retrieve journals
  • JournalQuerySession : a session to query journals
  • JournalSearchSession: a session to search for journals
  • JournalAdminSession: a session to create, update and delete journals
  • JournalNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications for changes in journals
  • JournalHierarchyTraversalSession: a session to traverse hierarchies of journals
  • JournalHierarchyDesignSession: a session to manage hierarchies of journals

The journaling manager also provides a profile for determing the supported search types supported by this service.


Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry lookup service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryLookupSessiona JournalEntryLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry lookup service for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the Journal
Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryLookupSessiona JournalEntryLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Journal found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry query service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryQuerySessiona JournalEntryQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry query service for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the Journal
Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryQuerySessiona JournalEntryQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Journal found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry search service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntrySearchSessiona JournalEntrySearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntrySearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntrySearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry search service for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the Journal
Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntrySearchSessiona JournalEntrySearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Journal found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntrySearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntrySearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry administration service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryAdminSessiona JournalEntryAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry administration service for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the Journal
Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryAdminSessiona JournalEntryAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Journal found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry notification service.

Parametersosid.journaling.JournalEntryReceiverjournalEntryReceiverthe receiver
Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryNotificationSessiona JournalEntryNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT journalEntryReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal entry notification service for the given journal.

Parametersosid.journaling.JournalEntryReceiverjournalEntryReceiverthe receiver
osid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the Journal
Returnosid.journaling.JournalEntryNotificationSessiona JournalEntryNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Journal found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT journalEntryReceiver or journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalEntryNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalEntryNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the branch lookup service.

Returnosid.journaling.BranchLookupSession a BranchLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the branch lookup service for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the journal
Returnosid.journaling.BranchLookupSession a BranchLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND journalId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets a branch query session.

Returnosid.journaling.BranchQuerySession a BranchQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchQuery() is true.

Gets a branch query session for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the journal
Returnosid.journaling.BranchQuerySession a BranchQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND journalId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets a branch search session.

Returnosid.journaling.BranchSearchSession a BranchSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchSearch() is true.

Gets a branch search session for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the journal
Returnosid.journaling.BranchSearchSession a BranchSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND journalId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets a branch administration session for creating, updating and deleting branches.

Returnosid.journaling.BranchAdminSession a BranchAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchAdmin() is true.

Gets a branch administration session for the given journal.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the journal
Returnosid.journaling.BranchAdminSession a BranchAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND journalId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the notification session for notifications pertaining to branch changes.

Parametersosid.journaling.BranchReceiverbranchReceiverthe notification callback
Returnosid.journaling.BranchNotificationSession a BranchNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT branchReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchNotification() is true.

Gets the branch notification session for the given journal.

Parametersosid.journaling.BranchReceiverbranchReceiverthe notification callback
osid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the journal
Returnosid.journaling.BranchNotificationSession a BranchNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND journalId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT branchReceiver or journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILED unable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchNotfication() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true.

Gets the session for managing dynamic branch journals.

Parametersosid.id.IdjournalIdthe Id of the journal
Returnosid.journaling.BranchSmartJournalSessiona BranchSmartJournalSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUND journalId not found
NULL_ARGUMENT journalId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsBranchSmartJournal() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsBranchSmartJournal() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal lookup service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalLookupSessiona JournalLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal query service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalQuerySessiona JournalQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal search service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalSearchSessiona JournalSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal administrative service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalAdminSessiona JournalAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal notification service.

Parametersosid.journaling.JournalReceiverjournalReceiverthe receiver
Returnosid.journaling.JournalNotificationSessiona JournalNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT journalReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal hierarchy service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalHierarchySessiona JournalHierarchySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalHierarchy() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalHierarchy() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the journal hierarchy design service.

Returnosid.journaling.JournalHierarchyDesignSessiona JournalHierarchyDesignSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalHierarchyDesign() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalHierarchyDesign() is true.

Gets a JournalingBatchManager.

Returnosid.journaling.batch.JournalingBatchManagera JournalingBatchManager
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsJournalingBatch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsJournalingBatch() is true.