OSID Specifications
recognition package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

This session provides methods for searching Award objects. The search query is constructed using the AwardQuery. The award record Type also specifies the record for the award query.

getAwardsByQuery() is the basic search method and returns a list of Award elements. A more advanced search may be performed with getAwardsBySearch(). It accepts an AwardSearch in addition to the query for the purpose of specifying additional options affecting the entire search, such as ordering. getAwardsBySearch() returns an AwardSearchResults that can be used to access the resulting AwardList or be used to perform a search within the result set through AwardSearch.

Awards may have a query record indicated by their respective record types. The query record is accessed via the AwardQuery. The returns in this session may not be cast directly to these interfaces.


Gets an award search.

Returnosid.recognition.AwardSearchthe award search
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets an award search order. The AwardSearchOrder is supplied to an AwardSearch to specify the ordering of results.

Returnosid.recognition.AwardSearchOrderthe award search order
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the search results matching the given search.

Parametersosid.recognition.AwardQueryawardQuerythe award query
osid.recognition.AwardSearchawardSearchthe award search
Returnosid.recognition.AwardSearchResultsthe award search results
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT awardQuery or awardSearch is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure
UNSUPPORTED awardQuery or awardSearch is not of this service
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets an award query from an inspector. The inspector is available from an AwardSearchResults.

Parametersosid.recognition.AwardQueryInspectorawardQueryInspectoran award query inspector
Returnosid.recognition.AwardQuerythe academy query
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT awardQueryInspector is null
UNSUPPORTED awardQueryInspector is not of this service
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.