OSID Specifications
rules package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

The rules manager provides access to rules sessions and provides interoperability tests for various aspects of this service. The sessions included in this manager are:

  • RulesSession: a session for evaluating and executing rules
  • RuleLookupSession: a session to lookup rules
  • RuleSearchSession: a session to query rules
  • RuleSearchSession: a session to search rules
  • RuleAdminSession: a session to manage rules
  • RuleNotificationSession: a session to subscribe to notifications of new rules
  • RuleEngineSession a session to retrieve rule engine mappings
  • RuleEngineAssignmentSession a session to manage rule engine mappings
  • RuleSmartEngineSession a session to manage dynamic engines
  • EngineLookupSession: a session to retrieve engine objects
  • EngineSearchSession: a session to query engines
  • EngineSearchSession: a session to search for engines
  • EngineAdminSession: a session to create, update and delete engines
  • EngineNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications for changes in engines
  • EngineHierarchyTraversalSession: a session to traverse hierarchies of engines
  • EngineHierarchyDesignSession: a session to manage hierarchies of engines

The rules manager also provides a profile for determing the supported search types supported by this service.


Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule evaluation service.

Returnosid.rules.RulesSessiona RulesSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRules() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleEvaluation() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule evaluation service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RulesSessiona RulesSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Engine found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRules() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRules() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule lookup service.

Returnosid.rules.RuleLookupSessiona RuleLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule lookup service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RuleLookupSessiona RuleLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Engine found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule query service.

Returnosid.rules.RuleQuerySessiona RuleQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule query service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RuleQuerySessiona RuleQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Engine found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule search service.

Returnosid.rules.RuleSearchSessiona RuleSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule search service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RuleSearchSessiona RuleSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Engine found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule administrative service.

Returnosid.rules.RuleAdminSessiona RuleAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule administrative service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RuleAdminSessiona RuleAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Engine found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule notification service.

Parametersosid.rules.RuleReceiverruleReceiverthe receiver
Returnosid.rules.RuleNotificationSessiona RuleNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT ruleReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule notification service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.rules.RuleReceiverruleReceiverthe receiver
osid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RuleNotificationSessiona RuleNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Rule found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT ruleReceiver or engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession to lookup rule/engine mappings.

Returnosid.rules.RuleEngineSessiona RuleEngineSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleEngine() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleEngine() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with assigning rules to engines.

Returnosid.rules.RuleEngineAssignmentSessiona RuleEngineAssignmentSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleEngineAssignment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleEngineAssignment() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the rule smart engine service for the given engine.

Parametersosid.id.IdengineIdthe Id of an Engine
Returnosid.rules.RuleSmartEngineSessiona RuleSmartEngineSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Engine found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT engineId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRuleSmartEngine() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRuleSmartEngine() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine lookup service.

Returnosid.rules.EngineLookupSessionan EngineLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine query service.

Returnosid.rules.EngineQuerySessionan EngineQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine search service.

Returnosid.rules.EngineSearchSessionan EngineSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine administrative service.

Returnosid.rules.EngineAdminSessionan EngineAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine notification service.

Parametersosid.rules.EngineReceiverengineReceiverthe receiver
Returnosid.rules.EngineNotificationSessionan EngineNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT engineReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine hierarchy service.

Returnosid.rules.EngineHierarchySessionan EngineHierarchySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineHierarchy() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineHierarchy() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the engine hierarchy design service.

Returnosid.rules.EngineHierarchyDesignSessionan EngineierarchyDesignSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsEngineHierarchyDesign() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsEngineHierarchyDesign() is true.

Gets the RulesCheckManager.

Returnosid.rules.check.RulesCheckManagera RulesCheckManager
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsRulesCheckManager() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsRulesCheckManager() is true.