OSID Specifications
rules check package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

A Check is something that needs to checked. Some basic checks are baked into this interface but can be extended through a check record or it can reference an external rule evaluation. Each type of check is unique and should not be combined.

Checks come in a variety of flavors indicated by the boolean methods in this interface. Each type of Check may be accompanied by data required to evaluate the check.

  • Fail Check
  • Time Check By Date
  • Time Check by Event
  • Time Check By Cyclic Event
  • Hold Check
  • Inquiry Check
  • Process Check

Tests if this check is a placeholder check that always fails when evaluated. A failure check can be used to block certain conditions specified in an Instruction. If isFailCheck() is true, then isTimeCheckByDate(), isTimeCheckByEvent(), isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent(), isHoldCheck(), isInquiryCheck(), and isProcessCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this is a fail check, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this check is for a time check specified by a date. If isTimeCheckByDate() is true, then isFailCheck(), isTimeCheckByEvent(), isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent(), isHoldCheck(), isInquiryCheck(), and isProcessCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this check is for a time specified by date, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the time check start date. The check passes if the current time is within the time interval inclusive. If the start time of the interval is undefined, then the check for the start time always passes. If the end time of the interval is undefined, then the check for the deadline always passes.

Returnosid.calendaring.DateTimethe start of the time period
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isTimeCheckByDate() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the time check end date. The check passes if the current time is within the time interval inclusive. If the start time of the interval is undefined, then the check for the start time always passes. If the end time of the interval is undefined, then the check for the deadline always passes.

Returnosid.calendaring.DateTimethe end of the time period
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isTimeCheckByDate() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this check is for a time check specified by an event. The starting and ending times of the event are used as a time interval to perform the time check. If isTimeCheckByEvent() is true, then isFailCheck(), isTimeCheckByDate(), isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent(), isHoldCheck(), isInquiryCheck(), and isProcessCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this check is for a time speciifed by event, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the time check event Id.

Returnosid.id.Idthe event Id
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isTimeCheckByEvent() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the time check event.

Returnosid.calendaring.Eventthe event
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isTimeCheckByEvent() is false
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this check is for a time check specified by a cyclic event. The time check is performed using the starting and ending dates of the derived event. If the event is a rceurring event, the time must be within the starting and ending dates of at least one of the events in the series. If isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent() is true, then isFailCheck(), isTimeCheckByDate(), isTimeCheckByEvent(), isHoldCheck(), isInquiryCheck(), and isProcessCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this check is for a time check specified by cyclic event, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the time check cyclic event Id.

Returnosid.id.Idthe cyclic event Id
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the time check cyclic event.

Returnosid.calendaring.cycle.CyclicEventthe cyclic event
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent() is false
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this check is for a hold service block. If a block exists for the agent being checked, the check fails. If isHoldCheck() is true, then isFailCheck(), isTimeCheckByDate(), isTimeCheckByEvent(), isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent(), isInquiryCheck(), and isProcessCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this check is for a block, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the Block Id for this check,

Returnosid.id.Idthe Block Id
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isHoldCheck() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the Block for this check.

Returnosid.hold.Blockthe Block
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isHoldCheck() is false
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this check is for a hold service block. If a block exists for the agent being checked, the check fails. If isInquiryCheck() is true, then isFailCheck(), isTimeCheckByDate(), isTimeCheckByEvent(), isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent(), isHoldCheck(), and isProcessCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this check is for a block, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the Audit Id for this check,

Returnosid.id.Idthe Block Id
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isInquiryCheck() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the Audit for this check.

Returnosid.inquiry.Auditthe Audit
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isInquiryCheck() is false
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Tests if this check is for a another agenda. The agenda for the specified agenda is retrieved and processed before continuing with the checks in this agenda. If isProcessCheck() is true, then isFailCheck(), isTimeCheckByDate(), isTimeCheckByEvent(), isTimeCheckByCyclicEvent(), isHoldCheck(), and isInquiryCheck() must be false.

Returnboolean true if this check is for another agenda, false otherwise
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the Agenda Id for this check.

Returnosid.id.Idthe Block Id
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isProcessCheck() is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the Agenda for this check.

Returnosid.rules.check.Agendathe Agenda
ErrorsILLEGAL_STATE isProcessCheck() is false
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Gets the check record corresponding to the given Check record Type. This method is used to retrieve an object implementing the requested record. The checkRecordType may be the Type returned in getRecordTypes() or any of its parents in a Type hierarchy where hasRecordType(checkRecordType) is true .

Parametersosid.type.TypecheckRecordTypethe type of check record to retrieve
Returnosid.rules.check.records.CheckRecordthe check record
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT checkRecordType is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure occurred
UNSUPPORTED hasRecordType(checkRecordType) is false
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.