OSID Specifications
tracking batch package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

This session creates and deletes Subtasks in bulk. The data for create is provided by the consumer via the form object. OsidForms are requested for each create or update and may not be reused.

To create a Subtask, a SubtaskForm is requested using getSubtaskFormsForCreate() specifying the desired issue, queue, and record Types or none if no record Types are needed. Each of the returned SubtaskForms will indicate that it is to be used with a create operation and can be used to examine metdata or validate data prior to creation. Once a SubtaskForm is submiited to a create operation, it cannot be reused with another create operation unless the first operation was unsuccessful. Each SubtaskForm corresponds to an attempted transaction.

The SubtaskForms returned from getSubtaskFormsForCreate() may be linked to the originating request through the peer Ids of the SubtaskForm. In the case where there may be duplicates, any SubtaskForm of the same peer Ids may be used for a create operation.

Once a batch of SubtaskForms are submitted for create, a CreateResponse is returned for each SubtaskForm, although the ordering is not defined. Only errors that pertain to the entire create operation are returned from createSubtasks(), errors specific to an individual SubtaskForm are indicated in the corresponding CreateResponse. CreateResponses may be linked to the originating SubtaskForm through the SubtaskForm Id .


Gets the subtask forms for creating a bunch of new subtasks. A SubtaskForm is returned for each queue and issue.

Parametersosid.tracking.batch.SubtaskIssuePeerListpeersan Id of a queue
osid.type.Type[]issueRecordTypesarray of issue record types to be included in each create operation or an empty list if none
Returnosid.tracking.batch.IssueBatchFormListthe issue forms
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDa queueId or issueId is not found
NULL_ARGUMENT peers or issueRecordTypes is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure
UNSUPPORTEDunable to request forms with given record types
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Creates a new set of Subtasks. This method returns an error if the entire operation fails. Otherwise, the status of an individual create operation is indicated in the BatchCreateResponse .

Parametersosid.tracking.batch.IssueBatchFormListissueFormsthe issue forms
Returnosid.transaction.batch.CreateResponseListthe create responses
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT issueForms is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Deletes all Subtasks in this FrontOffice .

Returnosid.transaction.batch.DeleteResponseListthe delete responses
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Deletes all subtasks for the given queue.

Parametersosid.id.IdqueueIdan Id of a queue
Returnosid.transaction.batch.DeleteResponseListthe delete responses
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT queueId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.

Deletes all subtasks for the given issue.

Parametersosid.id.IdissueIdan Id of an issue
Returnosid.transaction.batch.DeleteResponseListthe delete responses
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT issueId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
PERMISSION_DENIEDauthorization failure
CompliancemandatoryThis method must be implemented.