The Billing OSID manages billing for customers.
A Customer is a person known to the
billing system. A Customer relates a
Resource used to any business speciifc data
defined in the Customer.
Customers are Temporal
with effective dates indicating their association with the
A Period is a billing period in which
billing entries applies. Periods have a set
of milestone dates including start and end of the billing
An Item is something that can be
billed. Items represent a one-time or
recurring charge for some product or service.
Items may relate to a Product
in the Ordering OSID which manages the costs.
Items may also relate to a general ledger
Account in the Financials OSID.
Items can be categorized using a
Category. Categories are used to
group items on a billing statement.
An Entry is an OsidRelationship
relating a Customer to an
Item in a billing Period. An
Entry captures the cost which may have been
informed by the related Item.
Business Cataloging
Customers, Items,
Categories, Entries, and
Periods can be organized into federateble
The Billing OSID can be orchestrated with an Ordering
OSID to connect managed products and services to the
billing system. Without the Ordering OSID, products and
services may be managed directly using Items.
The Billing OSID can also be orchestrated with a
Financials OSID. Customers can be
associated with financial Activities that collect their
costs. Items can also be associated with
G/L accounts to organize different types of products and
The Billing OSID can also be orchestrated with the
Commenting or Grading OSIDs for to indicate the
Customer status and credit rating.
Sub Packages
The Billing OSID includes a Billing Payment OSID to
track payments and a Billing Batch OSID to manage
Entries, Items, Periods,
Customers, and Businesses
in bulk.