OSID Specifications
calendaring cycle package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleCalendaring Open Service Interface Definitions

The Calendaring Cycle OSID manages canonical versions of events and time periods. This package does not define the rules to automatically generate events and time periods. This package sits in between the Calendaring OSID and the Calendaring Mason OSID where rules for generation are defined.

This package defines CyclicEvents and CyclicTimePeriods. An example of a CyclicEvent is "Thanksgiving" or "Quarterly Report Deadline" that occurs at predicatble intervals. An example of a CyclicTimePeriod is "Fiscal Q4" or "Fall Term."

This package can be positioned either or both of two ways:

  • Defining and mapping existing Events and TimePeriods to these canonical counterparts for the purposes of defining rules in other OSIDs that manage a recurring behavior, such as an OsidEnabler.
  • Defining rules behind CyclicEvents and CyclicTimePeriods inthe Calendaring Mason OSID to centrally manage the automatic generation of Events and TimePeriods in the Calendaring OSID. Not for the faint of heart.

Calendaring Catalogging

CyclicEvents and CyclicTimePreiods are organized into federateable Calendars.

Sub Packages

The Calendaring Cycle OSID contains a Calendaring cycle Batch OSID for managing time cycles in bulk.