OSID Specifications
cataloging rules package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleCataloging Rules Open Service Interface Definitions

The Cataloging Rules OSID includes rules services to manage rules applied to Catalogs.

CatalogEnabler Rule

A CatalogEnabler is an OsidRule that operates the enabling and disabling of a Catalog within a federated hierarchy. An active Catalog is one that actively particpates in the federation resulting in the inclusion of any OsidObjects mapped to the Catalog and that of any of its descendants. An inactive Catalog effecively hides the mapped OsidObjects and that of its descendants from the federation. In either case, the Catalog itself is visible in the federated hierarchy.

Catalog Cataloging

CatalogEnablers are also cataloged in Catalogs. In the Catalog OSID, care must be taken to distinguish between the CatalogEnablers mapped to a Catalog for the purpose of cataloging and the CatalogEnablers applied to Catalog.