OSID Specifications
course plan package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleCourse Plan Open Service Interface Definitions

The Course Plan OSID is a service that maps syllabi defined in the Course Syllabus OSID to scheduled Activities to manage the logistics of following a lesson plan during an offering of a course.


A Plan is an OsidRelationship that relates a Syllabus to a CourseOffering to form a lesson plan. All or a selected set of Modules within a Syllabus may be included in the Plan .


A Lesson is an OsidRelationship mapping a Plan to a Docet in a Syllabus. A Lesson has a time duration covering one or more Activities and may be checked off or skipped during the execution of the course.

The Activities relating to Lessons are instances of an Activity as determined by the Activity schedule. Each instance of an Activity, such as the 10/31 lecture of a lecture ActivityUnit during fall semester, has its own Id that is referenced from a Lesson.

Lessons may appear autoamtically from the creation of a Plan that is the result of an overlay of the Syllabus on to the set of Activity instances as determined by the Activity schedule. The Lessons can be examined or marked as skipped. Changes to the Lesson duration occur in its related Docet.

Lessons may be anchored to begin at designated Activity instances using the LessonAnchoringSession. Overlaps or gaps in the overall lesson Plan can be examined in the LessonConflictSession .

CourseCatalog Cataloging

Plans and Lessons can be organized into federateable CourseCatalog catalogs.