OSID Specifications
inventory package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview

The inventory manager provides access to inventory sessions and provides interoperability tests for various aspects of this service. The sessions included in this manager are:

  • ItemLookupSession: a session to retrieve items
  • ItemQuerySession: a session to query items
  • ItemSearchSession: a session to search for items
  • ItemAdminSession: a session to create and delete items
  • ItemNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications pertaining to item changes
  • ItemWarehouseSession: a session to look up item to warehouse mappings
  • ItemWarehouseAssignmentSession: a session to manage item to warehouse mappings
  • ItemSmartWarehouseSession: a session to manage dynamic warehouses of items
  • StockLookupSession: a session to retrieve stocks
  • StockQuerySession: a session to query stocks
  • StockSearchSession: a session to search for stocks
  • StockAdminSession: a session to create and delete stocks
  • StockNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications pertaining to stock changes
  • StockWarehouseSession: a session to look up stock to warehouse mappings
  • StockWarehouseSession: a session to look up stock to warehouse mappings
  • StockWarehouseAssignmentSession: a session to manage stock to warehouse mappings
  • StockSmartWarehouseSession: a session to manage dynamic warehouses of stocks
  • StockHierarchySession: a session to traverse a hierarchy of stocks
  • StockHierarchyDesignSession: a session to manage a stock hierarchy
  • ModelLookupSession: a session to retrieve models
  • ModelQuerySession: a session to query models
  • ModelSearchSession: a session to search for models
  • ModelAdminSession: a session to create and delete models
  • ModelNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications pertaining to model changes
  • ModelWarehouseSession: a session to look up model to warehouse mappings
  • ModelWarehouseSession: a session to look up model to warehouse mappings
  • ModelWarehouseAssignmentSession: a session to manage model to warehouse mappings
  • ModelSmartWarehouseSession: a session to manage dynamic warehouses of models
  • InventoryLookupSession: a session to retrieve inventories
  • InventoryLookupSession: a session to query inventories
  • InventorySearchSession: a session to search for inventories
  • InventoryAdminSession: a session to create and delete inventories
  • InventoryNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications pertaining to inventory changes
  • InventoryWarehouseSession: a session to look up inventory to warehouse mappings
  • InventoryWarehouseAssignmentSession: a session to manage inventory to warehouse mappings
  • InventorySmartWarehouseAssignmentSession: a session to manage dynamic warehouses of inventories
  • WarehouseLookupSession: a session to retrieve warehouses
  • WarehouseQuerySession: a session to query warehouses
  • WarehousesearchSession: a session to search for warehouses
  • WarehouseAdminSession: a session to create and delete warehouses
  • WarehouseNotificationSession: a session to receive notifications pertaining to warehouse changes
  • WarehouseHierarchySession: a session to traverse a hierarchy of warehouses
  • WarehouseHierarchyDesignSession: a session to manage a warehouse hierarchy

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item lookup service.

Returnosid.inventory.ItemLookupSessionan ItemSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item lookup service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ItemLookupSessionan ItemLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item query service.

Returnosid.inventory.ItemQuerySessionan ItemQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item query service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ItemQuerySessionan ItemQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item search service.

Returnosid.inventory.ItemSearchSessionan ItemSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item search service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ItemSearchSessionan ItemSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item administration service.

Returnosid.inventory.ItemAdminSessionan ItemAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item administration service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ItemAdminSessionan ItemAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item notification service.

Parametersosid.inventory.ItemReceiveritemReceiverthe notification callback
Returnosid.inventory.ItemNotificationSessionan ItemNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT itemReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item notification service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.inventory.ItemReceiveritemReceiverthe notification callback
osid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ItemNotificationSessionan ItemNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT itemReceiver or warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession to lookup item/catalog mappings.

Returnosid.inventory.ItemWarehouseSessionan ItemWarehouseSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemWarehouse() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemWarehouse() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with assigning items to warehouses.

Returnosid.inventory.ItemWarehouseAssignmentSessionan ItemWarehouseAssignmentSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemWarehouseAssignment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemWarehouseAssignment() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the item smart warehouse service.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ItemSmartWarehouseSessionan ItemSmartWarehouseSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsItemSmartWarehouse() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsItemSmartWarehouse() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock lookup service.

Returnosid.inventory.StockLookupSessiona StockSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock lookup service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockLookupSessiona StockLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock query service.

Returnosid.inventory.StockQuerySessiona StockQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock query service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockQuerySessiona StockQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock search service.

Returnosid.inventory.StockSearchSessiona StockSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock search service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockSearchSessiona StockSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock administration service.

Returnosid.inventory.StockAdminSessiona StockAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock administration service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockAdminSessiona StockAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock notification service.

Parametersosid.inventory.StockReceiverstockReceiverthe notification callback
Returnosid.inventory.StockNotificationSessiona StockNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT stockReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock notification service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.inventory.StockReceiverstockReceiverthe notification callback
osid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockNotificationSessiona StockNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT stockReceiver or warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession to lookup stock/catalog mappings.

Returnosid.inventory.StockWarehouseSessiona StockWarehouseSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockWarehouse() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockWarehouse() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with assigning stocks to warehouses.

Returnosid.inventory.StockWarehouseAssignmentSessiona StockWarehouseAssignmentSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockWarehouseAssignment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockWarehouseAssignment() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the stock smart warehouse service.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockSmartWarehouseSessiona StockSmartWarehouseSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockSmartWarehouse() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockSmartWarehouse() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the stock hierarchy traversal session.

Returnosid.inventory.StockHierarchySessiona StockHierarchySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockHierarchy() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockHierarchy() is true.

Gets the stock hierarchy traversal session for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockHierarchySessiona StockHierarchySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockHierarchy() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockHierarchy() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the stock hierarchy design session.

Returnosid.inventory.StockHierarchyDesignSessiona StockHierarchyDesignSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockHierarchyDesign() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockHierarchyDesign() is true.

Gets the stock hierarchy design session for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.StockHierarchyDesignSessiona StockHierarchyDesignSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsStockHierarchyDesign() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsStockHierarchyDesign() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model lookup service.

Returnosid.inventory.ModelLookupSessiona ModelSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model lookup service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ModelLookupSessiona ModelLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model query service.

Returnosid.inventory.ModelQuerySessiona ModelQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model query service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ModelQuerySessiona ModelQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model search service.

Returnosid.inventory.ModelSearchSessiona ModelSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model search service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ModelSearchSessiona ModelSearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelSearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelSearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model administration service.

Returnosid.inventory.ModelAdminSessiona ModelAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model administration service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ModelAdminSessiona ModelAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model notification service.

Parametersosid.inventory.ModelReceivermodelReceiverthe notification callback
Returnosid.inventory.ModelNotificationSessiona ModelNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT modelReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model notification service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.inventory.ModelReceivermodelReceiverthe notification callback
osid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ModelNotificationSessiona ModelNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT modelReceiver or warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession to lookup model/catalog mappings.

Returnosid.inventory.ModelWarehouseSessiona ModelWarehouseSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelWarehouse() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelWarehouse() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with assigning models to warehouses.

Returnosid.inventory.ModelWarehouseAssignmentSessiona ModelWarehouseAssignmentSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelWarehouseAssignment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelWarehouseAssignment() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the model smart warehouse service.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.ModelSmartWarehouseSessiona ModelSmartWarehouseSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsModelSmartWarehouse() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsModelSmartWarehouse() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory lookup service.

Returnosid.inventory.InventoryLookupSessionan InventoryLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory lookup service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.InventoryLookupSessionan InventoryLookupSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno Warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryLookup() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryLookup() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory query service.

Returnosid.inventory.InventoryQuerySessionan InventoryQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory query service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.InventoryQuerySessionan InventoryQuerySession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryQuery() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryQuery() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory search service.

Returnosid.inventory.InventorySearchSessionan InventorySearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventorySearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventorySearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory search service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.InventorySearchSessionan InventorySearchSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventorySearch() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventorySearch() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory administration service.

Returnosid.inventory.InventoryAdminSessionan InventoryAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory administration service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.InventoryAdminSessionan InventoryAdminSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryAdmin() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryAdmin() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory notification service.

Parametersosid.inventory.InventoryReceiverinventoryReceiverthe notification callback
Returnosid.inventory.InventoryNotificationSessionan InventoryNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT inventoryReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory notification service for the given warehouse.

Parametersosid.inventory.InventoryReceiverinventoryReceiverthe notification callback
osid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.InventoryNotificationSessionan InventoryNotificationSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT inventoryReceiver or warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryNotification() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryNotification() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession to lookup inventory/catalog mappings.

Returnosid.inventory.InventoryWarehouseSessionan InventoryWarehouseSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryWarehouse() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryWarehouse() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with assigning inventories to warehouses.

Returnosid.inventory.InventoryWarehouseAssignmentSessionan InventoryWarehouseAssignmentSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryWarehouseAssignment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryWarehouseAssignment() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the inventory smart warehouse service.

Parametersosid.id.IdwarehouseIdthe Id of the Warehouse
Returnosid.inventory.InventorySmartWarehouseSessionan InventorySmartWarehouseSession
ErrorsNOT_FOUNDno warehouse found by the given Id
NULL_ARGUMENT warehouseId is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventorySmartWarehouse() or supportsVisibleFederation() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventorySmartWarehouse() and supportsVisibleFederation() are true

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse lookup service.

Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseLookupSessiona WarehouseLookupSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseLookup() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseLookup() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse query service.

Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseQuerySessiona WarehouseQuerySession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseQuery() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseQuery() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse search service.

Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseSearchSessiona WarehouseSearchSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseSearch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseSearch() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse administrative service.

Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseAdminSessiona WarehouseAdminSession
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseAdmin() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseAdmin() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse notification service.

Parametersosid.inventory.WarehouseReceiverwarehouseReceiverthe notification callback
Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseNotificationSessiona WarehouseNotificationSession
ErrorsNULL_ARGUMENT warehouseReceiver is null
OPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseNotification() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseNotification() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse hierarchy service.

Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseHierarchySessiona WarehouseHierarchySession for warehouses
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseHierarchy() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseHierarchy() is true.

Gets the OsidSession associated with the warehouse hierarchy design service.

Returnosid.inventory.WarehouseHierarchyDesignSessiona HierarchyDesignSession for warehouses
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsWarehouseHierarchyDesign() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsWarehouseHierarchyDesign() is true.

Gets the InventoryBatchManager.

Returnosid.inventory.batch.InventoryBatchManagera InventoryBatchManager
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryBatch() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryBatch() is true.

Gets the InventoryShipmentManager.

Returnosid.inventory.shipment.InventoryShipmentManagera InventoryShipmentManager
ErrorsOPERATION_FAILEDunable to complete request
UNIMPLEMENTED supportsInventoryShipment() is false
ComplianceoptionalThis method must be implemented if supportsInventoryShipment() is true.