The Inventory OSID provides the service of managing
inventories of things.
Items are individual assets tracked
with a serial number. Items may have a
location and may be accounted as a part of another
Item. Items belong to a
Stock .
A Stock is a collection of Items.
Stocks have a stock keeping unit and may
also have a location. Stocks are also
A Model is used to normalize a product vendor and
model across Stocks .
A Stock may be used to represent a
stockpile of dynamite of Model Acme
Dynamite #7. Each Item represents a stick
of dynamite.
An Inventory is a snapshot of the
quantity of Items in a Stock.
Inventories may be tracked over
Warehouse Cataloging
Items, Stocks,
Models, and Inventories may be
cataloged into federateable Warehouses.
Sub Packages
The Inventory OSID includes an Inventory Shipment OSID
for transferring Items to and from
Stocks and an Inventory Batch OSID for managing
inventory in bulk.