The Locale OSID provides the service of localizing
applications defining interfaces for string translation,
measurement unit conversion, calendar conversion, spatial
conversion, and currency conversion.
String Translation
The Locale OSID can access and manage string
translations using the TranslationSession
and TranslationAdminSession respectively.
Translations map a pair of strings with language and
script Types. The translation services provide a simple
means for an OSID Consumer to localize known display
strings for an application.
Numeric Formatting
The NumericFormattingSession provides
the service of converting numbers to display strings and
parsing display strings into numbers. The format of the
display string is identified by a numeric format
Type. It supports the various numeric types
defined among OSID Primitives such as integers, decimals,
and cardinal numbers.
Calendar Formatting
The CalendarFormattingSession converts
DateTime and Time OSID
Primitives to display strings and parses display strings
back into DateTimes and Times.
The display string formats are specified by a date
format Type and time format Type
respectively. The calendaring and time systems
implemented by DateTime and Time
are specified by a calendar Type
and time Type. Conversions among
calendaring systems are performed using the
Currency Formatting
The CurrencyFormattingSession converts
currency amounts to display strings and parses display
strings into currency amounts. The format of the display
string is identified by both a currency and a numeric
format Type. Conversions among currencies
are performed using the CurrencyConversionSession.
Coordinate Formatting
The CoordinateFormattingSession
converts Coordinate OSID Primitives to
display strings and parses display strings back into
Coordinates. The display string formats are
specified by a coordinate format Type. The
coordinate data is identified by the coordinate record
Type. Conversions among calendaring systems
are performed using the
Unit Conversion
The UnitConversionSession converts
units of measurement among unit types. The unit types may
represent different units within the same system of
measurement or units among different measurement systems
where a conversion exists.
Currency Conversion
The CurrencyConversionSession converts
a currency amount from one currency system to another
where a means for transforming the currency values exists.
Spatial Unit Conversion
The SpatialUnitConversionSession
converts a spatial units from one spatial system to
another where a means for transforming the spatial units
Text Format Conversion
The FormatConversionSession converts
text from one format to another.
Informational Objects
The Locale OSID includes a CalendarInfo
and TimeInfo interfaces for inspecting the
details of the respective Types to assist
in displaying calendars and clocks without knowledge of
the specific system.
The Locale interface defines a set of
types that together define the formatting, language,
calendaring, and currency for a locale or culture. Locale
is referenced in OsidSessions to convey the localization
of the service.