OSID Specifications
offering package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleOffering Open Service Interface Definitions

The Offering OSID defines a means for managing offerings of things, participants in offerings, and their results. This is an OSID expression of the Kuali Student core model.


An Offering is any deliverable. Offerings define the logistics of the deliverable such as the Schedule . Offerings are offered in a TimePeriod.


A CanonicalUnit is the approved item to be offered. All Offerings are offered from a CanonicalUnit. The CanonicalUnit describes what is offered and the Offering captures the logistics.


A Participant is an OsidRelationship used to associated a Resource to an Offering.


The Result is any outcome as a result of a Participation in an Offering. Each Participant may have multiple Results of different types of within sub- TimePeriods . Results references Grades which are constrained by their GradingSystems. GradeSystems may be defined for various purposes, including constrained numeric results and enumerated certifications.


The Offering OSID may be used as an abstract layer for the Course OSID where the CanonicalUnits are Courses, Offerings are CourseOfferings, Participants are instructors and CourseRegistrations, and Results are Grades.

The Offering OSID may be used to describe other offerings. For example, an airline route is a CanonicalUnit, a flight at a particular time is an Offering, a reservation is a Participant, and the frequent flyer miles awarded is a Result .

Catalogue Cataloging

CanonicalUnits, Offerings, Participants , and Results are mapped to Catalogues for offering. Catalogues can be managed hierarchically to federate multiple collections of CanonicalUnits .

Every Catalogue has one offering hierarchy. By selecting the Catalogue is, in effect, selecting the offeringal hierarchy. Each hierarchy may expose multiple offeringal roots that do not have to be related. Looking up and searching Offerings exposes all of their offeringal units. It may be helpful to retrieve the offeringal roots for a Catalogue and navigating from there.

Sub Packages

The Offering OSID contains an Offering Rules OSID for managing the offering rules of CanonicalUnits and an Offering Batch OSID for creating, updating, and deleting CanonicalUnits, Offerings, Participants, and Results in bulk.