OSID Specifications
personnel package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitlePersonnel Open Service Interface Definitions

The Personnel OSID defines people and organizations.


A Person is a people. Persons define identification information such as names and institutional identifiers.


An Organization is a hierarchical structure of organizational units. Every OsidCatalog has one organization hierarchy


A Position is a job description performed in the context of an Organization. A Position has a job level represented using a Grade, optional salary range, as well as a set of learning Objectives used to convey the desired qualifications for the position.

Positions are not canonical in that they belong to a specific Organization although Positions from parent Organizations may be visible to its sub organizational units. A canonical position that can be reused across Organizations can be represented with a combination of the Positition genus Type and Grade level.


An Appointment is an OsidRelationship relating Persons to Positions. The effective dates of an Appointment may be used to indicate the term of employment.


A software company is an Organization with each of a Sales, Marketing, and Engineering organizational unit. The Engineering Organization has 10 "level 6" programming Positions requiring a Proficiency in Java with a salary range of $110-$130K. Cathy holds one of these positions with a full-time Appointment at $125K and job title of "senior developer" busgeted under the Engineering department financial Activity.

Resource OSID Orchestration

OSIDs reference Resources for people, places, and things. The Resource provides a lightweight simple abstraction to satisfy the common case of resolving an OSID Id into a display name, genus Type, or description. In many cases, the Resource implies a Person or an Organization.

The Personnel OSID provides a more detailed view of Persons and Organizations as well as capturing the relationships between employees and their organizational units. The Personnel OSID may supply the backing for a Resource OSID where it is desired to use these entities throughout other services.

Realm Cataloging

Persons, Organizations, Positions , and Appointments are mapped to Realms for organization. Realms can be managed hierarchically to federate multiple collections of Persons .

Every Realm has one organization hierarchy. By selecting the Realm is, in effect, selecting the organizational hierarchy. Each hierarchy may expose multiple organizational roots that do not have to be related. Looking up and searching Organizations exposes all of their organizational units. It may be helpful to retrieve the organizational roots for a Realm and navigating from there.