OSID Specifications
recipe package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleRecipe Open Service Interface Definitions

The Recipe OSID is the how-to service providing a means for managing lists of directions to create or do something. The Recipe OSID can be used in conjunction with the Resourcing OSID and the Tracking OSID to provide instructions or stock answers on accomplishing a variety of tasks. The Recipe OSID may also be used alongside the Learning OSID for managing the skills required to complete various tasks and it may be used in conjunction with the Inventory OSID for managing an inventory of materials required to accomplish jobs. While the Recipe OSID may also be used with the Checklist OSID for a simplified tracking of progress, it can always be used to store your favorite recipes.


A Recipe is an OsidObject which represents a set of Directions to achieve some goal.


A Direction is an instruction or a process step. A Direction may have some Assets to illustrate the instruction.

Directions may be further broken down into Procedures and include a specified list of materials or ingredients for accomplishing the step.


Procedures can be used to specifically describe an action that needs to be executed within a Direction. Normalization of procedures allow for the linking to learning Objectives to describe the skill or knowledge necessary for accomplishing the task.


An Ingredient is a quantity of some group of items, or inventory Stock, managed in the Inventory OSID. The units of a quantity are expressed as a Type such as "units," "pounds," or "cups."

Cookbook Cataloging

Recipes, Directions, and Procedures are organized into federatable OsidCatalogs called Cookbooks.