OSID Specifications
resourcing rules package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleResourcing Rules Open Service Interface Definitions

The Resourcing Rules OSID includes rules services to manage rules for the Resourcing OSID.

AvailabilityEnabler Rule

An AvailabilityEnabler is an OsidRule that manages the effectiveness of an Availability .

CommissionEnabler Rule

An CommissionEnabler is an OsidRule that manages the effectiveness of a Commission .

JobConstrainer Rule

An JobConstrainer is an OsidRule that manages constraints on Commissions and Availabilities on a Job .

JobConstrainerEnabler Rule

An JobConstrainerEnabler is an OsidRule that operates the enabling and disabling of an JobConstrainer .

JobProcessor Rule

An JobProcessorRule is an OsidRule that manages the operations of a Job .

JobProcessorEnabler Rule

An JobProcessorEnabler is an OsidRule that operates the enabling and disabling of an JobProcessor .

Foundry Cataloging

AvailabilityEnablers, CommissionEnablers,JobConstrainers, JobConstrainerEnablers, JobProcessors, and JobProcessorEnablers are also cataloged in Foundries.