OSID Specifications
room package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleRoom Open Service Interface Definitions

The Room OSID provides a service for space accounting.


A Room is an identifiable space on a Floor. A room genus Type may indicate the primary type of a Room, such as a classroom, an office, or a condo. Rooms may have subdivisions, as in the Gran Ballrrom may be partitioned into Ballroom-A and Ballroom-B.

Rooms may also have fixed Resources such as projectors and refridgerators. These Resources represent classes of equipment of interest when searching for rooms. Specific inventory management can be performed in the Inventory OSID.


A Floor contains a set of Rooms within a Building.


Buildings have an Address and may be subdivided into smaller buildings. For example, Building 14 includes buildings 14E and 14N.

Contact Orchestration

Room, Floors, or Buildings may have contact information for a variety of purposes including ownership, scheduling, and maintenance. These contact relationships can be performed by orchestrating the Contact OSID.

Mapping & Resources

The Room OSID provides more detailed management the space accounting than what is capable from the more abtrsact Resource or Mapping OSIDs. Rooms, Floors or Buildings in the Room OSID may appear by way of Resources or Locations in other OSIDs.

In addition to defining abstract Locations, the Mapping OSID manages geospatial information of Locations using Coordinate and SpatialUnits. To manage geospatial information with respect to the Room OSID, the Mapping OSID can be orchestrated by mapping Rooms, Floors, and Buildings to Locations.

Campus Cataloging

Rooms, Floors, and Buildings may be organized into federateable OsidCatalogs of Campuses.

Sub Packages

The Room OSID includes a Room Squatting OSID for relating owners or users of rooms, a Room Construction OSID for tracking construction of and within buildings. and a Room Batch OSID for performing bulk operations.