OSID Specifications
workflow rules package
Version 3.0.0
Release Candidate Preview
TitleWorkflow Rules Open Service Interface Definitions

The Workflow Rules OSID includes rules services to manage rules for the Workflow OSID.

StepConstrainer Rule

A StepConstrainer is an OsidRule that manages constraints upon Work in a Step .

StepConstrainerEnabler Rule

A StepConstrainerEnabler is an OsidRule that operates the enabling and disabling of a StepConstrainer .

StepProcessor Rule

A StepProcessorRule is an OsidRule that manages the processing of Work in a Step .

StepProcessorEnabler Rule

A StepProcessorEnabler is an OsidRule that operates the enabling and disabling of a StepProcessor .

ProcessEnabler Rule

An ProcessEnabler is an OsidRule that manages the acive and inactive status of a Process .

Office Cataloging

StepConstrainers, StepConstrainerEnablers, StepProcessors, StepProcessorEnablers, ProcessEnablers, ProcessEnablerEnablers are also cataloged in Office.